The National e-Learning Offer provides a range of information, resources and materials to complement the online learning already being provided by schools, local authorities and RICs across Scotland.
As part of the National e-Learning Offer, e-Sgoil is supporting schools' own arrangements for remote learning and teaching by providing live interactive learning sessions to support children and young people having to work from home. e-Sgoil has extended its provision to include interactive resources for early years, live daytime support for the Broad General Education and Senior Phase, and live early evening study support sessions for a range of National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses.
A growing range of recorded lessons are available, designed to support learners to develop skills, knowledge and understanding related to a key learning concept. Currently these are available via West OS powered by ClickView which is accessible through Glow (access is available to those local authorities who have signed up for this service).
In addition to this, Scotland Learns provides a range of ideas and suggestions of activities to help practitioners support learning at home and during the recovery year.
A range of curriculum support is also available. Our wakelets provide lots of useful links to external resources which practitioners can use with their learners.
Webinars and online events are available to help support practitioners with the skills for working remotely with learners online.
DigiLearn provides support on how to use digital tools and pedagogical approaches to deliver online learning, including engaging learners with active digital learning, live mixed delivery between school and home, and creating videos for learners. View the learning paths exploring a range of digital tools to support learning and teaching online.
In addition to this, Glow is the national online learning environment which is freely available to all learners and teachers in Scotland. You can find out more about Glow on Glow Connect.
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