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DYW Outer Hebrides

Castlebay School Work Experience

Pupils from Castlebay Community School in partnership with the DYW travelled to enjoy a variety of work placements throughout Stornoway.

The geographical and economic make-up of the Western Isles can present difficulties in achieving equity and equality across areas. One particular area where these difficulties are hard to overcome is in the arrangement of work experience placements.

Although every area of the islands has diverse and thriving employers this simply does not cover every sector

Pupils from Castlebay School worked closed with DYW Coordinator, Fiona Nicholson to arrange placements with local employers in Barra and where no local employer was suitable, employers based on the Isle of Lewis.

The employers in Lewis who engaged with the Barra work experience programme were: Mann Judd Gordon (Accountancy), Stornoway Airport, HM Coastguard, BASF (Science).

In total pupils travelled 9 hours with their DYW Coordinator including two ferry journeys, over the course of the week the pupils stayed at a local hotel arranged by DYW Outer Hebrides with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

DYW Coordinator Fiona Nicolson said: “We have had great feedback from all employers, and the pupils had a fantastic time and gained so much experience within their 3 days. The employers were amazing at ensuring they got the best experience in each placement. We hope to continue these partnerships in supporting all ages.”

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