About Us
The strategy of education in the Outer Hebrides, (informed by industry) is to ensure young people in the school years gain the relevant knowledge, skills for work and enterprising attributes required to gain meaningful employment/self-employment. This educational approach is as much an economic and cultural imperative as is educational. Young people need to be equipped with the self-confidence and the local work-based skills required by the economy to maximise the islands’ linguistic economic and cultural opportunities.
For pupils, DYW means equitable access to:
Enterprising learning and teaching in schools P1-S6.
High quality, certificated senior phase work placements with local employers in the private/public/third sector.
An adaptable curriculum reflective of employment opportunities and economic trends
Personalised, certificated applied-learning choices throughout Senior Phase – as part of coherent progression-pathways into work/training/study
Certificated experiences of running micro-businesses, social/community enterprises, with support from local employers/community organisations
All pupils have entitlements to develop the knowledge, skills, experiences and certification required of a young workforce and locally this is progressed through a CnES education/economic skills strategy. This data-driven strategy reflects both labour-market demand and the stated aspirations of young people - and has contributed to among the highest vocational attainment and positive/sustained destinations rates nationally
The DYW Board, comprising of both private and public sector takes an employer's perspective, it allows the employer to have a much stronger say in linkage with the education system shaping the curriculum for the future.
At its core, the DYW connects the world at work with the world of education. This is a tangible opportunity for islands' employers regardless of size to engage with young people within their community. Employers have the chance to express their current and future skills/certification requirements, influence the school curriculum and help develop the young workforce.
“To develop the Outer Hebrides young workforce, investment has been made to make funding available to local private sector businesses to support accreditation, skills and training.”